The Trip of a Lifetime

We are very excited to be returning to Kenay and Uganda with a team of Ambassadors in 2025!
Week 1: August 2 - 9, 2025 - spots still available!
Week 2: August 10 - 19, 2025 - full!
Come with us to Africa
To participate in our upcoming Ambassador trips, please provide the following information in the form below.
If you would like more information before you sign up, please contact us at info@thegivingexchange.net
Sign-up Form
The Giving Exchange is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization focused on connecting need with supply for good, with an emphasis on self-sustainability.
Many of our projects are based in Kenya and Uganda, where we partner with under-resourced organizations and individuals to develop self-sustaining programs that help them build a better life for themselves, their communities, and their children for generations to come. (To read more about our projects, check out our Current Projects Page).
The purpose of this trip is to raise awareness, build trusting relationships with our beneficiaries, and oversee the progress and impact of the sustainable programs we are implementing in-country. There is so much to learn, see, feel and do - the experience is sure to last a lifetime.
In Kenya, we are hosted by a very special children’s home, The Giving Exchange’s oldest and strongest partner, in the town of Kiambu. This orphanage is home to 50 children, ranging in age from 6 months to 16 years. Wife and husband duo, Reah and Francis, provide a loving atmosphere of growth and opportunity not only for the children but for our Ambassadors. In Uganda, we stay at a lovely hotel in Kasese.
As an Ambassador, you will have accommodation (dorm setting in Kenya; private hotel room in Uganda), all meals including filtered water, and all local ground transportation covered.
The cost for this year’s trip is $2,000 for Week 1, and $3,000 for Week 2. This per diem excludes the cost of your airfare and any in-country excursions or souvenirs.
During your Trip, we will visit many of our project sites around the country. In years past, we have implemented and visited a variety of projects including greenhouses, chicken coops, clean water boreholes, and small business trainings. Additionally, together we create activities for the children, such as art, music, reading, coloring and the like. We schedule a free day during which you can visit a nearby animal reserve, or an elephant orphanage, for a nominal entrance fee.